Getting started with the iNetGet Download Manager |
All you need to do to install iNetGet is simply start it up. iNetGet folder will be created in the applications folder and all the components of iNetGet are placed in it. After starting, iNetGet is ready to download. Just insert a URL and iNetGet will make everything possible to download your (MP3, flv, dmg, zip, flv, hqx, sit etc.) downloads. |
Integration with Browsers |
iNetGet integrates with Internet browsers (Safari, Netscape, Mozilla, Opera, Camino, Internet Explorer, OmniWeb,...), catching mouse clicks of hyperlinks. iNetGet uses the plug-in technology for integration, that every URL with most Common extensions( like dmg, zip, pkg, flv, wmv, mp3, mov, exe, hqx, sit etc) will be caught by iNetGet. |
You can add a URL address by one of the following methods:
1. You can drag a selected hyperlink and drop it on the iNetGet Main Window (you can drop it directly to any Folder filter) or on the iNetGet Target Icon or on the blue float window..
2. iNetGet can catch every URL address copied to the clipboard. See more for configuration of this option.
3. You can add a new URL by choosing New from the File menu.
4. You can add a new URL by choosing New Download from the menu after right-click on iNetGet's Tray Dock.
5. You can add a new URL by choosing New from the menu after right-click on float windows.
6. You can add a new URL by clicking New button on toolbar. |
Here is some detailed explanations of the New Download Window: |
- Adding URL - There are two general modes for adding URL.
1. First you can add a download to iNetGet without forcing it. That means you just want to add the URL for later downloading. You can activate this mode either by unchecking the 'Start Download now' option in the New Download Window.
2. Alternatively, you can force download immediately when you add a file to the iNetGet queue. That means the download will be forced to begin downloading immediately, no matter how many other downloads are active at the time. You can activate this mode either by checking the 'Start Download now' option in the New Download Window.
- Send "Referer" in HTTP requests - When this option is set iNetGet automatically sends the referrer information in the HTTP request. If the URL address is typed in the New Download window, the "Referer" is the server/path to file download. If this option is OFF, iNetGet will not send the 'Referer' in the HTTP request. Some HTTP servers will not admit your request if this field is not present.
- Number of Threads - here you can specify the number(5) of segments for the new download. This default number is determined by Max Threads per Task in the General panel in Settings window.
Segmented Downloading is One of the basic features of iNetGet. This feature is very useful when the servers from which you download have limits on download speed for every connection. Segmented downloading can speed up the download by making multiple connections to the server and downloading many segments simultaneously. Acceleration of segmented downloading depends on the speed of your connection to the Internet and the server's available bandwidth for downloads.
- Choose download folder and file name (Path/Name) - the path field determines the download folder for this file. This field remembers your last using download folder.
With the choose button you can quickly set the folder filter where this download to be placed or browse for the new folder.